Category: 1920s

Fay visits Phryne Fisher

Fashion Parade for the Australian Sewing Guild

Violet’s gown: Restorations, repairs and alterations now available.

Buying Vintage at Auction: the Lisa Ho Collection

Talk on Art Deco Accessories

Australia on Collins exhibition

Exhibition – Fashion through the Decades at Australia on Collins

Vintage 101: dry rot in vintage textiles

My Swimwear Collection

Winners: a Midnight in Paris

Contest – Midnight in Paris
Silent Film Festival – now coming to Melbourne

Vintage 101: sun damage in vintage textiles

Pics! Melbourne Vintage Clothing Show – Circa fashion parade
Stage Fright at the Order of Melbourne

Vintage Fashion Parade – Love Vintage Fair
Happy Valentine’s Day
Some of my favourite things.

Fashion meets Fiction: Murder, Mystery and Style

Vintage 101: a black silk mystery dress ’20s-’30s
Ballets Russes: The Art of Costume (exhibition)
A day in the life.
Silent Film Festival and the 1920s fashions from the Darnell Collection
Talk on Art Deco Accessories *Sold Out*