Category: 1930s

Fashion in half-mourning

Pics from the Edward Steichen Deco fashion exhibition at the NGV

[Talk] Edward Steichen and Art Deco Fashion at the NGV

Sneak Peek – online garage sale next Saturday

[Exhibition] Edward Steichen and Art Deco Fashion at the NGV

Election 2013

[Talk] Storytelling through ladies fashions of the 1920s and 1930s

Beach holiday in the 1930s

Fashion Parade for the Australian Sewing Guild

Vintage stockings and pantyhose

Circa Vintage Brides

Welcome to Circa Vintage Salon

Buying Vintage at Auction: the Lisa Ho Collection

Saint Clare and Mikelangelo

Talk on Art Deco Accessories

Australia on Collins exhibition

Sale lovely frocks

Exhibition – Fashion through the Decades at Australia on Collins

A History of Fashion Knitwear – a course by Lynn Savery (CANCELLED)

In a Perfect World…

Happy Australia Day everyone

My Swimwear Collection

Vintage 101: iron mordant in vintage textiles

Vintage 101: sun damage in vintage textiles

Pics! Melbourne Vintage Clothing Show – Circa fashion parade

Bathing beauties