Have a cute old bike? How about a few spare hours on Monday?

From today’s in-box (thanks Denise and Jo) –

New Angie Hart video – we need your help!

Hi friends of Angie – this is a call to arms for all friends to come support Angie in the making of her next music video!

I’m afraid it’s short notice and I’m afraid it’s on a Monday morning – next Monday in fact – 6th September and 10am. BUNK OFF WORK! We’re looking for extras for Angie’s clip – “I’m Afraid of Fridays” (you can hear on her myspace right now) .

We are looking for dapper gents and lovely ladies of all ages to fit this bill
– You have to have a couple of hours up your sleeve
– If you are a lady, come dressed in a lovely dress, preferably 50s era
– If you are a gent, come in suit, tie and hat, again preferably modelled 50s style
– You must come with an old style bicycle! nothing new, nothing fancy

The video will be shot around Collingwood, Monday morning 10am. More details as they come to hand!

Please mail me ASAP if it’s of interest! The more the merrier, feel free to spread the word! Tell your friends!


I’d love to help but sadly, my bicycle is of the modern, high tech variety. I tried to get a cute old one but sadly, to no avail. I can think of a few people who do though, so if you’re free, it sounds like fun.

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