Style is Eternal – my new book is now available!

My new book is out at bookshops on December 1st but I’ve received a small number of advance copies – very exciting! Here are some peeks inside – first, the cover that we all know and love, with a quote from Alannah Hill.

Style is Eternal cover

Here’s the contents – I love how they look like a label sewn into a frock. Please excuse the shadow from my iphone pics.
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There are lots of modern and vintage fashion photos – these are in the glove section, where I talk about the different lengths and types of gloves and how to wear them. Gloves = instant glamour.
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Plus new pics of burlesque bombshell Frankie Valentine in an assortment of styles, photographed by Dominic Deacon – here’s my favourite.
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Plus lots more vintage pics – ’30s rollerskaters! I suspect the tight fitting shorts are made of real rubber and shiny rayon satin, in those pre-Lycra days. Super cute, comfortable and practical too.
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Some of my favourite style icons are there too: love Amy and Gwen x
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There are sections to help you identify different styles of garments, with charming archival illustrations from fashion catalogues:
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We also photographed some beautiful pieces which were generously donated to my private collection, like this late ’30s silk georgette dinner dress with cut steel beads.
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How to overhaul your wardrobe and tips on putting together the perfect travelling wardrobe!
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and in a very personal touch, some original sketches of my own.
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You can pick up an early copy from Circa – only $45 and signed of course! If you’d like a personal message, please let me know. It will be out in bookshops on December 1st. Also – I’m doing some book events!

Sydneysiders can see me talk about the new book at Berkelouw Books in Paddington (very excited, this is one of my all time favourite bookshops and my old stomping grounds from when I lived at Five Ways) on Tuesday, December 2nd. Bookings essential.

Brisbaners can see me at Avid Books on Tuesday, December 9th. This means I can catch the Japanese fashion exhibition too. Please don’t forget to book.

Melbourners can see me at the Strictly Vintage market on November 30th, where I’m presenting a talk on ’30s fashions and signing books. I’ll talk about “Style is Eternal” too and help with your fashion dilemmas.

As an extra treat, many of the pieces featured in the new book are also available from the webshop so you can have your favourite frock with a bit of added history. See here.

Hope to see you at an event soon!

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  1. Nicole,

    I have purchased “Style is Eternal” and am coming to your talk at Avid Reader. We have the Victoria & Albert “Uncovered” exhibition and “Costumes from the Golden Age of Hollywood” (showing at the Museum of Brisbane), City Hall as well as the Japanese exhibition now showing in Brisbane.

    The Hipsterette

  2. Wonderful TH!

    I saw the “Uncovered” exhibition at Bendigo earlier this year – it’s great, plus the catalogue is a must. I hope to see the other two on Tuesday and I can’t wait! See you on Tuesday night, I’m looking forward to it. N

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