Pics: Our Girls – a book launch, a parade and a tap show.

Last week saw the launch of Madeleine Hamilton’s fabulous new bookOur Girls, Aussie Pin-ups of the ’40s and ’50s.

It was a wonderful night: Wes Snelling MCed, Caroline and Kay from the Tap-Pets tap-danced in purple sequins and Circa was there too, with a mini ’50s fashion parade and beauty pageant with glamourous modern day pin-ups Candice DeVille, Nici Blue Eyes and Becky Argent.

Here are some pics of the show – hope you enjoy. As always, click on the image to see in full, click again to see in full size. That’s author Madeleine with the microphone.

My fav outfit of the night: Nici resplendant in red satin and lace party dress – available now in Circa for a happy new owner. Here worn with a matching ’50s style petticoat.







All photos courtesy Tim Hamilton.

More about the night can be seen at Candice’s blog and Stomper Girl’s blog. Official photos by Louise M. Cooper here. Review by The Enthusiast. Oh – and Lady Melbourne was also there! As well, Style Melbourne have also covered the event.

As well, it was filmed for the ABC’s 7.30 Report. Hope to have news about screening date soon.


  1. I missed the launch unfortunately, but was wondering where I can purchase the book.
    I would love to get my hands on it!!

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