[Talk] British royal wedding dress

Hi all,

Late notice (apologies) but tonight I’m presenting a free online talk, focusing on the finery worn by British queens and princesses.

From the website: Please join Nicole Jenkins as she guides us through the history and impact of British royal wedding gowns over the last 170 years, including the styles worn by Queen Elizabeth II, Wallis Simpson the Duchess of Windsor, Princess Anne, Princess Diana, the Duchess of Sussex and Princess Beatrice. All of these pieces reveal details about the women who wore them, their status and future roles and changed the way we celebrate our own weddings.

What: From Victoria to Beatrice: a brief history of British royal wedding finery.
When: Monday 26th October, 6pm-7pm
Where: Zoom and your computer
Cost: free!
Bookings and more information – click here.

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  1. Hi Helen, the link was taken down after the event. Apologies for the late notice, I’ll post about the next talk with more time for bookings.

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