[Sale] Mannequin Revolution

You may recall my blog post about Mannequin Revolution and the amazing work Phil does with providing and restoring vintage mannequins – now Phil’s relocating his warehouse, which means lots of bargains are to be had.

If you’ve ever lusted after a vintage mannequin, or a modern mannequin, now is your chance. Phil also has Chesty Bond copies and busts, all sorts of great and fun things.

What: Mannequin sale
When: Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm, until 7th December.
Where: Mannequin Revolution, 3-5 Jessie Street, Richmond.
More information: at the website.

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  1. Hi, I am after a bust of Chesty Bond. Please email me if you have one for sale.

  2. Hello, I am trying to find an original or copy of a “Chesty Bond” mannequin, appreciate any help , thanks

  3. Hi all i actually have what i have been advised as the original bonds chesty tshirt maniquin mold
    I’m looking at where the best place to sell it would be?? Any help would be greatly appreciated

  4. Congrats Stacey! There are a few of them, as they were remade in the ’80s I think. You could try ebay. I would set up a search and watch for a while to see what they go for, to get an idea of price.

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