The Vintage Fashion Guild – meet the new Vice-President!

If you’re serious about vintage fashion, or even just a little interested you’re probably already familiar with the Vintage Fashion Guild, an international group of professional traders, writers, historians and other experts in the field dedicated to the education and promotion of vintage fashions. If you haven’t seen it, I can’t recommend it highly enough.

Currently celebrating it’s tenth year, I’ve been a member for over seven years, and it’s done wonders for increasing and testing my vintage knowledge, as well as a great place for like-minded people to talk about what we love the most – vintage fashion.

My collection has always focused on Australian fashion, because I buy locally – the VFG has taught me about the links between international fashion and what happens here and where they are different. I’ve learnt about styles we don’t get here – the contentious “patio dress”, CC41, fabric types (and what they’re called in different places), all sorts of things.

I’ve been invited to international events and made friends, many of whom I will probably never meet in person but feel like I know quite well.

Here are some of the ways that the VFG can help you on your vintage journey – and best of all, it’s all free for the public, provided by skilled and passionate volunteers who fund it through annual membership fees.

The VFG Forums.
The VFG Label Resource.
The VFG Fur Resource.
The VFG Blog.
The VFG on Facebook.
The VFG on Twitter.

I could spend a lot of time telling you how invaluable these resources are, but it’s best if you just go and explore them.

I’m often asked about what online sellers I recommend and the answer is easy: VFG members have to apply a code of best industry practice, which means that you can buy with confidence.

Today’s news is that I’m pleased to report that as of next year, I will be the new Vice-President of the VFG! I’m really excited about this opportunity to support the international community and a great group of people, who have been a wonderful support for me.

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  1. Congratulations Nicole, a sign of your respected standing amongst your vintage colleagues! I’m interested in war time rationing too – CC41 in Britain, the situation here where we exported almost all our wool clip to the UK and also the axis nations, Germany and Japan. It all tells quite a social history from both sides of the war.

  2. Thank you! I’m certainly excited and energised – I’m looking forward to working with the other board members to make the VFG even better (if that’s at all possible).

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