Miss PinUp Victoria 2011

Recently I had the honour of judging in the Miss PinUp Australia – Victoria heat and as usual, it was a tough job. All the contestants worked hard to show why they were the best in their category.

There are some great images available from this event, especially those by Helen McLean, but my happy snap iphone pics aren’t amongst them. Once again, I was a bit too far from the stage to get a good focused shot so you’ll be pleased to know that I’m hunting for a new proper camera so quality should improve! In the meantime, here’s what I have for you:

The wonderful contestants in the Miss Perfect PinUp category:

Miss Classic contestants:

Miss Illustrated contestants:

Miss VaVaVoom contestants:

Mr PinUp contestants:

However, I am pleased with my shots of the Miss Illustrated ladies, who were kind enough to come up to the judging tables and show us their artworks….my position near the window paid off and they look great in the natural light.

Sadly, we had to leave before the winnners were announced, but a long list of fabulous people are now off to the grand finals next year – you can see the full list here, including the Wild Card entrants.

I was overwhelmed with the fabulousness of everyone – at one stage, when the eight(!) Miss Illustrated contestants came out in their scanties, I thought the venue was going to combust! Thankfully it didn’t. I’d like to give honorable mentions to all of the following:

– Mr Johnny Rockett and Mr Roger Rabbit for getting up their and doing your thing whilst fellow contestants dropped out. I’m sure I speak for everyone when I say I loved every minute of your performances. Bonus points to Roger for best prop usage (easel and direction signs = brilliant!).

– Miss Cheech for her use of Tamra’s book “Getting Naked”. Why hasn’t anyone thought of that before?!

– Miss Ayr Loxide for precariously perching a cute little sailor cap on her beehive. There’s something incredibly pin up about cute and impractical accessories, and it suited her perky persona.

– Miss Baby Blavatsky and Miss Hayley for their fabulous self-made costumes. Well done ladies! I especially loved Hayley’s Barbie-inspired swimsuit.

– Miss Lady A Broad for nailing a South Pacific vintage look. Beautiful!

– Miss Bettie Jean for her perfect Marilyn Monroe Seven Year Itch look. The best.

– Miss Angel Girl for keeping a cheeky smile on her face throughout.

– Miss Catalina Collie, the new Miss VaVaVoom Runner Up, for re-entering after not winning last year – good for you Miss Collie!

– For everyone who turned out on the day to support our wonderful local entrants – I’m sure an enthusiastic crowd makes it much easier to get up there and do what they have to do.

If any of the finalists would like a little help with their grand final ensembles, I’m at your service.

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