Love Vintage – now available for pre-order!

I’m pleased to report that Carter’s have sent me an advance copy of “Love Vintage” so now it’s available to be seen, read and (if you so desire) we can add your name to a list of people who would like to be notified when it arrives.

It should be here in about two weeks, when it’s being launched at the Sydney Vintage Clothing Fair (October 16th) and in Melbourne (Oct 21st). I’ll post soon about those events as I’d love you to be there if you can make it.

Retail cost is $49.95 but at Circa we’re going to be awful and charge you $50 because we don’t carry any small change. I will very happily sign copies if you like too.


I had fun in the shop on Saturday – a lot of people commented on the fact that I haven’t been around so much over the last year, so after working so hard on it, it’s wonderful to be able to hand it over and say “this is why I haven’t been here, do you like my new book?”


  1. Oo! Yay! Any chance of getting an idea of contents/ structure/ sneeky-peaks of the inside? Is it more pretty-coffee-table pictures, or lots of text, or a pretty even combo? Clothing construction, or designer history? That kind of thing?

  2. Clare, it’s a good mix of both: over 350 images and 35,000 words from the ’20s to the late ’70s. It covers a lot about design history, fabric, construction, major designers – all kinds of things. When it comes out I’ll put up some more pics of the inside. It even has an index!

    VV – I shall add you to the list. You’re going to love it! Actually, I’ve been thinking about you with regards to something else….will email 🙂

  3. I was given a copy of your book for my birthday on the weekend – not sure how that happened if it has not been released yet??? My husband had no idea just how hot off the press his present was! It is lovely. Great pics and super useful.
    Thanks and congratulations.

  4. Hi Jen,
    Isn’t that interesting! It must be a review copy that has found it’s way to you…I’m glad that you like it! Thank you for the kind words – I hope you’ll come to the Melb launch (and perhaps pretend it’s all new and exciting?)

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